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Snot, Get Some full album zip: Stream or Download the Masterpiece of Alternative Metal


I know a lot of people in the security industry, and I know a lot of people who enjoy Facebook. However, there's not much overlap between these groups. As someone who's in both groups, I'm an oddity. Many security experts either always steered clear of the social network or are currently advocating deleting it. I closely follow security topics and products such as antivirus utilities, and I also use Facebook, but carefully. I don't see any need to delete my Facebook account. But now that Facebook has made it so easy to download everything the social network has about me, I went ahead with that process. Perusing the resulting archive, I ran into some surprises, both positive and otherwise.

Snot, Get Some full album zip

Clicking Photos gets you a similar list, a timeline of every photo or album you ever posted. It includes the date for albums, and any comments, but not the text you shared along with the album. When you click through to the individual photos, you don't see the dates, unless the photo itself has comments. Facebook reports a raft of (to me) pointless information. Camera make and model. Orientation, width, and height. F-stop, ISO, and focal length. In my oldest photos, these are all the more useless because they're often either blank or zero. I couldn't figure out why some iPhone photos include a modicum of information, while others get nothing.

What this is useful for if you are trying to debug some specific network behavior. I have personally spent hours running a system that was having mysterious network issues through its paces, keeping a journal entry of timestamps and actions-performed-by-user in order to correlate the two later. Later, when correlating the two, you find out that your timestamps don't quite match, so it becomes difficult to isolate border-case traffic. If you use snot, however, your journal entries can be inserted directly into the sniffing data itself: 2ff7e9595c

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