Sol LeWitt (1928-2007) was pivotal in the creation of the new radical aesthetic of the 1960's that was a revolutionary contradiction to the 'Abstract Expressionism' current in the 1950's and 60's New York school. He had no interest in inherent narrative or descriptive imagery. LeWitt, like no other artist of his generation, had always maintained the importance of the concept or idea and, apart from his original works on paper, the work is executed by others to clear and strict instructions. As one of the first coherent proponents of conceptual art with his writings, Sentences on Conceptual Art (1969), LeWitt's work continues to be regarded and referred to by a younger generation of artists as one of the seminal investigations into 'idea' and 'concept' art. He continued to challenge new thinking about what art can be. "If the artist carried through his idea and makes it into visible form, then all the steps in the process are of importance. The idea itself, even if not made visual, is as much a work of art as any finished product." Stated LeWitt in 1971. "All intervening steps, scribbles, sketches, drawings, failed work models, studies thoughts, conversations, are of interest. Those that show the thought process of the artist are sometimes more interesting than the final product." (LeWitt, 'Paragraphs on Conceptual Art', Artforum Vol.5, no. 10, Summer 1967, pp. 79-83)
Sol LeWitt (1928-2007) was born in Hartford, Connecticut. As a pioneer of conceptual art, he has had a major influence on 20th century American art. After serving in the United States Army, LeWitt moved to New York and attended the Cartoonist and Illustrators School (now the School of Visual Arts). LeWitt employed basic cubic forms, serial structures and modular grids as key elements in his work. The art work itself emphasizes the conception of the initial idea as LeWitt perceives it. His titles are convoluted but describe the essence of his concept behind each work. They serve as instructions for whoever executes the drawing and explanations to the viewers of the processes involved.
Sol Lewitt 1928-2007